4 Reasons to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Calgary

4 Reasons to Hire a Criminal Lawyer in Calgary

Martin G. Schulz: Hiring criminal lawyers in Calgary

If you’re being brought up on charges for a criminal offence, you may be at a loss for how to proceed. The notion of facing a penalty charge or sentencing in the Calgary Courts Centre is a daunting and stressful prospect and far more difficult if you attempt to navigate it alone.

However, by working with a criminal lawyer in Calgary, you’ll gain a greater chance of receiving the best outcome possible for the circumstances surrounding your charges. There are many areas in which lawyers are invaluable, from their skill and knowledge of courtroom proceedings to their dedication toward fighting for your individual rights.

Below, we’ll examine a few reasons why hiring a lawyer can benefit your case and lead to a more favourable outcome, so keep reading to learn more.

1. They are experts and knowledgeable in their field

The intricacies of Canadian law are just that – intricate – and very difficult to navigate for first-time offenders. If you’ve never been in a situation involving the law, you may struggle when going through all the necessary paperwork and dealings with police officers.

If you don’t fully understand the information being presented, it’s all too easy to misstep and end up with a higher sentence or charge.

Criminal defence lawyers, however, are experts in their field and can help you understand the more detailed aspects of your case. They will answer any questions you may have about relevant laws and regulations and will ensure you’re aware of what’s happening throughout your case and/or trial.

2. They understand the judicial system in Alberta

Understanding how the legal system works is a key factor in building a strong defensive case. An experienced Calgary criminal lawyer will have a full working knowledge of the judiciary in Alberta, which operates under the adversarial system (a two-sided argument from the defence and prosecution).

Not only will your lawyer have years of experience working within Alberta’s judicial system, but in all likelihood, they have worked on several cases very similar to yours and, therefore, know which strategy to best utilize when presenting it.

3. Will provide guidance during legal proceedings

One of the main reasons lawyers are recommended for legal proceedings is their knowledge of what to say and do when brought in front of a judge. If you are prompted by the prosecution, you may do or say the wrong thing on impulse, which can severely damage your testimony.

If you’re required to testify or speak at any time, your lawyer will advise you on how to respond, what to say, how to behave, and your overall demeanour. Their goal is to help you present as favourably as possible to those who decide the final verdict of your case.

4. A cost-effective time saver

If you try to deal with your criminal charges on your own, you will increase the risk of being laid with severe legal penalties, such as an extended sentence or hefty criminal fees.

In contrast, a criminal lawyer can negotiate with those prosecuting your case to reduce or even drop certain charges and decrease the severity of any legal penalties you may be facing.

Your lawyer will also take care of the documentation and paperwork for your case, which will be a big time saver on your part and allow you to focus on other aspects of your case that require your attention.

Hire Martin G Schulz & Associates Calgary criminal lawyers for representation

If you’re facing criminal charges, take steps to improve your situation. Work with Martin G Schulz & Associates and gain the help and expertise of an experienced criminal lawyer in Calgary. Throughout your case, you will receive legal aid and emotional support as we work to secure a fair verdict.

Whether you’ve been convicted of a violent offence, impaired driving, possession charge, or another criminal matter, we’re here to help you beat the charges and reach a favourable outcome.

We understand this is a stressful time for you. Therefore, our legal team will work hard to move the process along as quickly as possible so that you can move forward and start a new chapter.

To schedule a free consultation, contact our Calgary office at 1-800-253-2105 or fill out the form on our Contact page.